Five Reasons To Avoid Premarital S*x

These are the reason why you need to avoid premarital s*x:

1) SIN:
S*x is the intercourse between man and woman, s*x is enjoyable when is being done by matured man and woman who are already married and is not a sin to them. S*x is not for unmarried or single boys and girls, that is why bible says let the bed be undefiled. Having s*x when you are still single is a sin. Hebrews 13:4 ''Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled. If you defiled the bed, you have sin against God''. It was designed to happen within a committed marriage of selfless love. Outside of that, fornication just breaks the heart and wounds the soul.

2) UNWANTED PREGNANCY: It cannot be done safely no matter what culture or civilization says, safe s*ex is one man, one woman, committed in marriage, for the rest of their lives and not between unmarried boy and girl. When you are not ready for marriage and you started sleeping around with men that are not ready to marry you, when you now pregnant, they will reject you and the pregnancy. Some will even accept the pregnancy and reject you thereby you become after one. The worst of it, majority of boyfriends and girlfriends end up in terminating pregnant. Ladies, if you are into this act, you better change today before you ruin your life. Some ladies have committed abortion more than 2,3,5 times, if your womb is affected, forget about child bearing and you will be at loser ends. When you marry and you are unable to get pregnant, immediately your husband knows about your problem, that may be the end of your marriage. Remember that as you are terminating your pregnancy, you are sin against your creator.

3) INFECTION: Diseases and illness are rampant among those who engage in this lifestyle. Do you ever considered infection like STD, STI, and HIV before sleeping around with men. Don't use the enjoyment of today to spoil your future. Because you can never say who is already infected .

 4) DESTROY TRUST: the best way to have trust in a marriage is to stay pure before you get married. Learning to be committed to Christ (in purity) is the best way to learn to be committed to a spouse. When your spouse met you as a decent lady, that would build trust in your marriage.The trust will be there and nobody can quench the burning fire of the love.

5) LOOSE OF INTEGRITY & VALUES: I want you ladies to believe that not all men that are running after you are doing that for love. Most of them only need you for s*x and not to marry you. Don't ever believe that you can use s*x to win man's heart, rather you loose your integrity and value. And no man will ready to marry you but they only want to be having sex with you while they have a decent lady somewhere they are planning to settle down with. Your decency and good character is what will earn you good husband and not your sexual satisfaction to man. Ladies believe me, if you have 100 men that wish to date you, 95 to 98 of them will tell you that they can't wait till wedding day before they have s*x with you. Even more than 60 of them will tell you they want s*x after two week they met you, that is men for you. Make sure you take your stand and you will see a serious man that will love you for whom you are.

If you have never committed fornication, God has a simple message for you—Don't. (Eph. 5:3) If you are committing fornication, God also has a simple message for you—Stop. (Acts 15:29).
Five Reasons To Avoid Premarital S*x Five Reasons To Avoid Premarital S*x Reviewed by Mosembik on 10:23 Rating: 5

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