ATTITUDES THAT ENHANCES INTIMACY (solutions to gaps in marriage)

For us to have good intimacy in our relationship, We need to work this out all the day of our lives, not just our occasional happy moments. We must work this out daily without fail. Song of Solomon gave examples of the kind of romantic communication that must not be scarce among believing couples. It must be deliberately cultivated.

Couples must create times to recreate together. Teach one another the phone functions, play together, bath together, do dance to good music together and take a stroll together. If you have the relatives size or strength advantage, carry your wife from bathroom to the bedroom. Let the children see you and laugh or be jealous.

Deliberately have romantic times together. Place your head on your spouse's lap as you sit, fondle with fingers, caress the shoulder, biceps, sides of the face, thighs around navel and other parts of the body. Lie on his or her chest, not necessarily for s*x; and should it end that way, no problem.

There is no age limit to this intimacy. There is never a moment in one's marriage that we have to stop doing things that helps intimacy.


-  Going out together (doing visits)
-  Attending function together
-  Often wearing the same attire together
-  Doing counsels together as a counselor or minister
-  Holding hands and hugging to pray (only couples have such privilege)
-  Cultivate good morning and good night kisses. Remind each other of this
-  Moved or not, do not allow more than a week intersexual gaps
-  Take strolls together holding each other's hand. Go on a drive together
-  Eat together from the same plate, drink from the same cup
-  Sleep in the same room, on the same bed
-  Learn and share ideas together
-  Read together or learn music piece together
-  Go shopping together, suggesting choices for each other
-  And pray together

Click here to read about all the GAPS
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ATTITUDES THAT ENHANCES INTIMACY (solutions to gaps in marriage) ATTITUDES THAT ENHANCES INTIMACY (solutions to gaps in marriage) Reviewed by Mosembik on 17:15 Rating: 5

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