ECONOMIC/FINANCIAL GAP ( enemy of intimacy)

Do you know that a husband or wife could be rich, and the spouse be poor. In some cases one can be in serious financial predicament and the other, though have the means, may close his bowels of compassion. This may even show in their look and outfits. You may see one fresh and robust, while the spouse looks the contrast. But the word of God says
1John3:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?

1John3:18 My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.

Sometimes, both may be earning salaries, but each one to his or her purse. Finances does not merge, they share responsibilities and create boundaries for cash flow. The man has certain amount he deposits for food allowance. The woman too wants to play wise by leaving that aspect for the husband. No one knows what the others earns as income, nor how each manages his or her finance. I once knew a home where the man does not know the progress of the house being built by the wife, let alone contributing a dime. The woman did the purchase of the land, got the papers, built it alone and vowed never to allow the husband to move in with her. When their gap became more widened to an extent that though they live under the same roof, they owe each other no responsibility, the man mustered strength and built his own house. They now live separately.

One thing that many couples failed to know is that once they are married to their spouse, they are no more two but one. They must have things in common,they must have the same goals and target. They can achieve that when they open up to to each other, plan together and ready to assist one another. When you assist your spouse, you assist yourself indirectly because you are one body. Whatever belongs to husband belongs to wife, and whatever belongs to wife also belongs to husband.

Bible says One will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousand. When you join hand together with your spouse financially, you can easily achieve what you want and  make it. Click here to read the next gap which is ROMANTIC GAP.

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ECONOMIC/FINANCIAL GAP ( enemy of intimacy) ECONOMIC/FINANCIAL GAP ( enemy of intimacy) Reviewed by Mosembik on 15:52 Rating: 5

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