SEXUAL GAP (enemy of intimacy)
I think this one is self defined. It is a sin of deliberate abstinence from sexual intercourse with your partner. It is the one of the greatest enemies of our intimacy. Spouse deprived of this right becomes chaffed in spirit and may tend to exhibit hostility in the way he relates.
The word of God says:
1Corinth. 7:3 Husbands and wives should satisfy each other's sexual needs.
1Corinth. 7:4 A wife doesn't have authority over her own body, but her husband does. In the same way, a husband doesn't have authority over his own body, but his wife does.
1Corinth.7:5 Don't withhold yourselves from each other unless you agree to do so for a set of time to devote yourselves for prayer. Then you should get back together so that Satan doesn't use your lack of self-control to tempt you.
Husbands or wives must endeavour to service their relationship with s*x regularly. It must not become a punitive tool in either's hand. We must make sure we make it exciting to our partner, not just to use him or her to fulfill our s*xual urge. Click here to read the next gap which is SPIRITUAL GAP
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SEXUAL GAP (enemy of intimacy)
Reviewed by Mosembik
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