OUTLIER GAP (enemy of intimacy)
This is referred to as geographic gap. This is one of the commonest forms of gap. It is a situation where the couples live kilometers away from each other. They rarely stay a long span together. This is often occasioned by exigencies of their employment. In some other situations, one of the couples travels out of the country for greener pasture, not minding the cost of the actions. They trade off the word of God and the attendant consequence of their preference for money to family. The Bible says a friend at hand is better than a far-off brother.
Pro. 27:10 neither go into the brother's house in the day of thy calamity: for better is a neighbour that is near than a brother far off.
Marriage should not be a place where one gets it cool and easy, settling away the troubles with cash, while the other suffers the raw deals. One is spending the third day sleeping in the hospital in the night, shuttling between hospital and home because of the children at home during the day; all the other could do is to greet and send money into the account.
Most of the time, those couples that stay away from each other don't have better understanding of each other. I heard about a couple who stayed away from each other for a long time as a result of the nature of their jobs. The husband came back home fully after his retirement to settle down with his family. Unfortunately, they started having quarrel and misunderstanding because of the gap in their marriage.
All what they supposed to have passed through in the early stage of their marriage is what they are now facing because they did not live together for a long time or the man is a weekend husband. With much counseling and advice, they started to study each other, understand each other better and be patient for one and other. That was when they overcome the problem and peace came back to the family. Click here to read the next gap which is BEDSIT GAP
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OUTLIER GAP (enemy of intimacy)
Reviewed by Mosembik
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