COMMUNICATION GAP ( enemy of intimacy)

 In this case there is no informational and informal rapport between the couples. Most of the time, it is instructional (commands). Each of them has their confidant and counselors outside each other or among their extended families.
When there is communication gap, couples do things without carrying each other along. They often talk to others, especially extended family members about their spouses. They plan, give out gifts, manage issues or problems and lend or borrow, sometimes travel without informing other. Like a woman said she heard about her husband's promotion and award from a friend who congratulated her.
Couples should be best of friends and also live a brother and sister's life. You should not make yourself to be difficult to approach. Couples should have a good communication system at home so that there won't be room for Satan to operate in their marriage. Click here for the next gap which is OUTLIER GAP 

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COMMUNICATION GAP ( enemy of intimacy) COMMUNICATION GAP ( enemy of intimacy) Reviewed by Mosembik on 14:52 Rating: 5

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